The RWSCA has adopted the entire length of Highway 12 from when you enter Rodanthe until you leave Salvo.
We would like to thank the wonderful Joanne Mason who has headed up this endeavor for the past 20 years.
We do multiple clean up events each year. Our next event is scheduled for Saturday April 22nd at 10am. Please come on by the RWS community building to sign up for a section and to pick up your bags.
Our most recent clean up took place at the beginning of October 2022 and we had over 30 people participate and we cleaned up 37 bags full of trash! It was great to see lots of familiar faces pitching in but it was also wonderful to have lots of brand new ones join in.
We appreciate everyone who comes out to help and support us in keeping our villages looking the best that they can.

RWS Civic Association VP Jason Walsh kicked off our Adopt A Highway event!

Thanks to Kelly Monroe and Susan Brueckner, Salvo residents, who cleaned both sides of HWY 12 between Colony and Jolly Rodger.

RWS Civic Association President found all sorts of interesting things while cleaning up his section of the road.

RWS Civic Association VP Jason Walsh kicked off our Adopt A Highway event!
Pictures from our October 2022 clean up.